Yoni Steam Consent Agreement

By booking a Yoni Steam you agree to the following:

I fully understand the purpose of my vaginal steaming session is to cleanse and detox the body including the vagina, cervix, uterus, and/or anus using steam and herbs. During my consultation, my vaginal steam practitioner will select the best protocol of herbs and session length based on the information I have provided on this intake form and/or verbally. If I experience pain and/or discomfort, I will immediately notify my vaginal steam practitioner. I understand this session including the verbal and/or printed information provided to me does not replace the advice of my physician and does not substitute for a medical examination. I understand results may vary and more than one session may be needed to experience desired results. I understand vaginal steaming is contraindicated (not advised) when pregnant, with the placement of an IUD implant, when open sores/blisters are present, during my menstrual cycle, during an acute infection, and right after ovulation (if trying to conceive). I understand it is my responsibility to remove any vaginal piercings and removable IUD/contraception (NuvaRing) prior to my steam session. I affirm I have disclosed my known medical conditions and answered all questions truthfully and honestly. I understand I am responsible for disclosing any changes to my medical condition and/or any new diagnosis to my vaginal steam practitioner prior to my vaginal steam session. Due to the effectiveness of vaginal steaming with cleansing and removing scar tissue from reproductive organs, I release all liability of unwanted/unintended pregnancy from my vaginal steam practitioner. I release all liability from my vaginal steam practitioner during my treatments and services. My signature below indicates agreement with this statement in its entirety.