Contraindications & Why You Would Not Be Able To Yoni Steam

We are NOT physicians and we do not diagnose nor state that we are treating any ailments. Yoni steaming does not replace the advice of your physician and does NOT substitute for a medical examination. The purpose of yoni steaming is to cleanse and detox the body including the vagina, cervix, uterus, and/or anus using steam and herbs. 
plural nouncontraindications
a condition or circumstance that suggests or indicates that a particular technique or drug should not be used in the case in question. Anything (including a symptom or medical condition) that is a reason for a person to not receive a particular treatment or procedure because it may be harmful.
When referring to yoni steaming contraindications may include but are not limited to;
  • An individual taking medications in which certain herbs may cause harm  or interfere with the purpose of that medication 
  • An individual who is pregnant
  • An individual that has an IUD implant or Any form of birth control which is still inserted on the cervix (these devices MUST be removed by the individual prior to a steaming session)
  • An individual with an active infection or open sores on or around their vagina
  • An individual ovulating and actively trying to conceive
  • An individual who is unknowingly pregnant receiving yoni steaming could terminate the pregnancy. If your cycle is extremely late and you do not have any medical conditions, irregular menses are typical for you, or medications that interfere with your menses you will be asked to consult with your physician before receiving yoni steaming.