Herbs Used For Yoni Steams

Yarrow Flowers:

Tones and cleanses; Great for regulating the menstrual cycle; Treats uterine cyst; Supports overall uterine health; Reduce fever; Has been reported to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding 


Decreases anxiety; Antibiotic; Antifungal; Balances hormones; Stimulates the production of hormones the help maintain uterine health; Prevents tumor growth; Decreases menstrual cramps


Increases uterine muscle tone; Decreases menstrual cramps; stimulates blood flow; Alleviates fatigue; Has been used to ease PMS symptoms; Eases menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, irritability, and a  racing heartbeat; It helps the body increase the capillary bed around the uterus

Stinging Nettle Leaf:

It helps kidneys to eliminate waste; supports various processes of detoxification in the liver; Decreases menstrual flow; Prevents blood clots; Reduces inflammation; Curbs appetite; Boost energy; Blood Builder lowers blood sugar; Treats hemorrhoids

Red Raspberry Leaf: 

Tone uterine muscles; Can shrink fibroids; Is a traditional remedy for increasing breast milk in lactating women; May help induce labor; May help relieve PMS symptoms; Good source of magnesium, calcium, vitamins B & C; A good source of antioxidants, zinc, phosphorus, and iron.

Oatstraw Green Top:

Alleviates conditions related to anxiety mood imbalance and sleep;  Calming and strengthens the nervous system; Relieving stress and calming emotions: Reduces depression

Parsley Leaf: 

Anti-inflammatory: Decreases menstrual cramps: strengthens the immune system


Anti-Inflammatory; Anti-Bacterial; Helps to ease cramps; Soothes irritated tissues

Holy Basil:

Decreases fluid retention; Stimulates the uterus; An antispasmodic; Helps reduce menstrual cramps; May help reduce stress, anxiety, and diabetes; Anti-inflammatory; Antimicrobial

Red Rose Petals:

Relax and uplifts; Astringent; Reduces anxiety; Improves digestion; Helps reduce cramps; High in antioxidants; Reduces inflammation

German Chamomile:

Antianxiety; Calms digestive distress; May reduce hemorrhoids; Soothes Vaginal tissues

Ginger Root:

Decreases heartburn and menstrual cramps; Improves circulation; Strengthens the heart; Activates the immune system; Reduces pain and inflammation; Relieves nausea

Peppermint Leaf:

Promotes healthy digestion; Decreases symptoms associated with indigestion and constipation; Reduces inflammation; Calms muscle spasms; Awakens and refreshes the mind

Lemon Peel:

Contains aromatic compounds that are antiseptic; Reduce phlegm; Lessens muscle spasms; Increase blood circulation through perspiration; Cools the body

Orange Peel:

Contains aromatic compounds that are antiseptic; Reduce phlegm; Lessens muscle spasms; Increase blood circulation through perspiration; Cools the body

Sage Leaf, Rubbed:

Antibacterial; Increases memory; Decreases symptoms associated with Alzheimer's; Decreases depression; Cleansing; Promotes clarity; Increase spiritual awareness; Removes negative energy; Astringent

Rosemary Leaf:

Antibacterial; Speeds up wound healing; Inhibits yeast growth; Stimulates menstruation; Increases circulation to reproductive organs; May help with lowering high blood pressure; May help with rheumatism and dyspepsia

Fancy-Grade Oregano:

The most powerful natural antibiotic; Cleanses the uterus and other reproductive organs; May help fight bacteria; Could help decrease inflammation

Hibiscus Petals:

Rich in antioxidants; Fights inflammation; Lower blood pressure; Lower cholesterol; Promotes weight loss; Fights bacteria and supports liver health

Lemon Balm:

Anti-anxiety; Promotes sleep; Reduces depressive symptoms; Improves concentration; Antiviral; Calms herpes outbreak


Have been used to treat  vaginal dryness; Dry coughs & colds; Dry mouth & low saliva production; Bacterial infections including but not limited to bladder infections, respiratory infections, or UTIs; Water retention, bloating, and PMS; Joint pain caused by swelling/inflammation; digestive issues, including stomach ulcers, constipation & diarrhea