What is Yoni Steaming

Yoni steaming is vaginal steaming also knowns as V-Steam. A special blend of herbs is curated to address many vaginal concerns, steeped in a pot, then squatted over in a kneeling position, or by placing the pot/bowl under a seat which has an opening for steam to rise up to your yoni while you sit draped in a steaming gown or with a towel across your lap. Rooted in ancient cultures yoni steaming is revered as a holistic health and wellness practice. It has been known to help correct digestive disorders, ease pain in the lower back, soothe the bladder, prevent kidney stones, tone and nourish the uterine lining, and increase cervical fluids thus helping to increase fertility. This practice has assisted with relieving vaginal dryness due to menopause, and balanced hormones to help regulate irregular menstrual cycles. Yoni steaming assists with both pre and post-menses reducing cramping and bloating. Some blends may even help with sexual appetite!